“The Human in Architecture and Philosophy: Towards an Architectural Anthropology”
3rd International Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture (ISPA)
July 20 -23, 2016 – Department of Philosophy, University of Bamberg
Karsten Harries (Yale University, philosophy)
Mari Hvattum (Oslo CCAS, architectural)
Angelika Krebs (Basel University, philosophy)
Andres Lepik (TU-Munich, architecture)
Nick Ray (Cambridge University, architecture)
Roger Scruton (Oxford University, philosophy)
Authors are invited to submit a 250-300 word abstract by February 1, 2016 to: isparchitecture@gmail.com
The abstract should be prepared for blind review and formatted as a rtf-file.
A selection of the conference presentations will be published in the double blind peer reviewed journal of the society, ArchitecturePhilosophy.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy recognizes the journal as the field’s premiere output. See http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/architecture/
Complete Call for Papers
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