Phil Stanziola, Wikimedia Commons

Planetizen has recently published a list of “100 most influential Urbanists”. However, we found the list a bit messy and Anglo-Saxon centred. It does have some important highlights (Jane Jacob is number one, and it also mentions Naomi Klein and Rosa Parks as urbanists, which we think is an interesting take on what it means to be an “urbanist”, not to mention some women whose names are often forgotten, such as Saskia Sassen.

Here  we propose to make an ALTERNATIVE LIST, including not only the women urbanists who have been neglected, but also all the people from the Global South that are not included in the original list. We would like to include Asian, African, Latin American urbanists.

Please, let us know what you think in the comments. Please add names of significant urbanists and a very short biography, so we understand the logic of your choice.


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