Students and panel of the 2015 Globalisation Studio final presentations, June 2015

Students on the 2015 Globalisation Free Choice Studio made their final presentations in June. The Studio was based on urban development and spatial planning in the context of flood risk management in Buenos Aires, Argentina. One team from Argentina joined the presentations in Delft together with Profession Flavio Janches of the University of Buenos Aires who provides essential help to deliver the studio on location, including meetings with many local actors and agencies. Students demonstrated their understanding of the complex challenges facing Buenos Aires to an international panel including Professors Lisa Diedrich from Sweden, Carlos Gottlieb from Bordeaux, Ferran Grau from Spain, Maria Jesus Huarte from Argentina, and Markus Volg from Germany, together with Delft contributors: Professors Han Meyer and Vincent Nadin, and Stephen Read, Birgit Hauslelitner, Arie Romein and Francisco Colombo.

See the video! The work and social activity of students completing the globalisation studio are shown vividly on a student video – see



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