Future conservation of the historic environment in Europe will be shaped by neoliberal inspired reforms of urban planning systems, but in uncertain ways. Just how is the subjectd of the PICH Final Conference that will be held at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology on Thursday 12 April. The team from Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK will report on their investigations on historic urban cores, industrial heritage sites, and the historic landscapes. Participants will assist the team with ideas on policy recommendations and actions. Michael Kloos will give a keynote presentation on the challenges facing heritage conservation in complex multi-level governance contexts, and Eva Stegmeijer from the JPI Heritage will explain the objectives of the progamme and its future. All are welcome – no registration fee. Please register by email to  w.vanderToornVrijthoff@tudelft.nl

The final report of the project will be available at the event.

Final Report

Newcastle heritage, graffiti and Dag Kittang

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