Salzburg Congress on Urban Planning and Development ( SCUPAD): DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS EXTENDED!
Call for papers and contributions from practice

SCUPAD Congress- May 11-14, 2017, Salzburg, Austria
Congress Topic
“Displacement: Our World in Motion” Urban and regional policies, projects and actions concerning migration, displacement and refuge.

Deadline for submission of short abstracts: JAN 30, 2017.

The 2017 SCUPAD Congress will address challenges faced by s and regions everywhere struggling to provide healthy and fair environments for an increasing number of new citizens. We invite professionals, policy makers, NGOs, citizen-practitioners, activists and academics to submit papers or practical accounts of their experiences in trying to provide space for the new arrivals.

Our world is in motion. Every year, millions of people leave their birthplaces, either voluntarily or forcibly, to look for economic or educational opportunities, a safe environment or simply a better life. This has implications for how our cities and regions are managed and designed.

According to the United Nations, the migrant stock rose from 154.2 million in 1990 to 231.5 million in 2013 . Global movements of people are triggered by large structural processes such as globalization, modernization, and blatant inequality between the Global South and the Global North. Although most immigration policies are dealt with by national states, it falls on the shoulders of local governments to find solutions to house and integrate millions of new citizens every year.

We expect to look deeply at a wide range of problems, from the flagrant gentrification of central London, a consequence of moneyed immigrants locating to that area to housing policies in German cities where the arrival of about a million refugees in 2015 has created economic and social changes. We are seeking relevant accounts of experiences from all over the world to share and learn from. We are particularly interested in policies, projects and actions that aim to provide new arrivals with healthy environments for living, while integrating them in their host society.

Paper and presentation proposals must be submitted to before January 30, 2017 in DOC files.

The proposal must address issues of spatial planning and development connected to human displacement (migration, refuge, forced or voluntary displacement). It must contain a relevant title and a 300-word abstract, accompanied by 5 keywords.

We also invite poster submissions. Posters must synthesize the issue using text and image. They must contain an account of the issue, a description of the policy or project proposed and be amply illustrated. Posters must be in A1 format. For submission of poster proposals, please use PDF.

The selection of papers, professional accounts and posters for presentation will be announced in February 2017. The selected contributions will be reviewed and published online.

The SCUPAD Congress takes place from Thursday May 11 to Sunday May 14, 2017 at the Salzburg Global Seminar, Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg, Austria. Information on registration costs is available on the SCUPAD website:

Founded in 1965, SCUPAD fosters an important personal and professional exchange among academics policy makers, and practitioners dealing with spatial planning and development issues around the world. Our congresses traditionally have taken place in the city of Salzburg, Austria. However, we have recently initiated a policy to promote a congress elsewhere every two years. Last year, our congress was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
For more information on SCUPAD see

Roberto Rocco (TU Delft), Andreas Schulze Bäing (University of Liverpool) and Petra Hirschler (TU Vienna)

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