Professor Vincent Nadin is the new chairman of the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft

As of March 1 2017, Prof. Vincent Nadin is the new chairman of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. Vincent has the experience and the position to represent the interests of our department in the world.

Staff and students say farewell to Machiel van Dorst, who chaired the Department in the last 5 years, and who now becomes chair of the OTB department. Machiel will continue to work as an associate professor at Urbanism; and will divide his time at Urbanism between research projects, PhD supervision and education.

Machiel van Dorst is the new chairman of OTB and former chairman of Urbanism.

Machiel van Dorst says: “I really enjoyed being the chair of Urbanism for more than 5 years. I have seen gradually a lot of change over the past years in our department. Our research is excellent; the quality of projects and publications is growing every year. We became an attractive place for (post)Msc and PhD education in the world and we strengthened our position in our Bsc. Urbanism became one of the better departments; not only in quality, position and output, but also as a community (…). I like to wish Vincent every success in his new position. Being the chair is partly a visible and partly a very invisible task; both sides give much satisfaction. With your help, I know Vincent will enjoy this position as well as I have enjoyed it. I am looking forward to working together with Vincent in the Management Team of the faculty“.

Vincent Nadin says:

“I was very pleased to accept the Dean’s (Professor Peter Russell) invitation to take up the post. Urbanism has an excellent reputation in the university, in the Netherlands and internationally. I will be proud to represent one of the world’s leading ‘urbanism’ departments that has such a lively and motivated group of staff and students. Perhaps more important, Urbanism is a cohesive department where, despite the everyday pressures, staff are cooperative, considerate and ready to collaborate. 

We recognise that our interests are different but there is a willingness to work together to deliver on both education and research. This is the real strength of Urbanism – we combine experience from practice and research, and blend our disciplines in design, policy and analysis. And we have excellent support from the secretariat. 

There are few places that can match this combination of knowledge, skills and enterprise. Machiel has done a great job over the last five years, with the Department in good health. As he says, part of the task is ‘invisible’ but I know from many years as a member of the DB that he has been working tirelessly to represent our interests. We have all appreciated his calm, thoughtful and level-headed approach. It is the proverbial ‘duck’ – calm on the surface and paddling like mad underneath. This is what has helped to bring about such a ‘peaceful transformation’ of the Department over the last five years. I shall try to follow in the same vein.” 

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