Panel at the iCities conference, with Vincent Nadin, Janet Askew (UWE), Cecilia Wong (Manchester) and Shiannfar Kung (NCKU)

Pursuing our partnership with the National Cheng-Kung University of Tainan (Taiwan), Vincent Nadin and Roberto Rocco have made keynote speeches at the iCities conference in Taiwan in May 2013. iCities is the international Forum on Innovative Planning. The theme of this year’s conference was “Operating Sustainability: Teaching Sustainability on Planning Education”. CLICK HERE for the conference website.

Vincent Nadin made a presentation on water management and planning systems in the Europe. He discussed the efforts of the European union to harmonize water resources management in light of the different planning traditions of the different member states. He contrasted those planning traditions and categorized them into types.

Roberto Rocco spoke about the  integration of the concept of sustainability into spatial planning education. Roberto’s perspective is that a robust understanding of sustainability that integrates its three main dimensions (social, economic and environmental) helps clarify the objectives of the planning activity and to communicate these objectives to students. He highlighted the importance of understanding governance arrangements in order to achieve socially relevant and effective plan making and  implementation. His presentation is available here:

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