For the occasion of Alexander Wandl’s PhD defence on 22 JAN, the section of Spatial Planning and Strategy gifted a copy of the book “Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft” to Professor Vincent Nadin, our former boss! This book has an account of 11 years of Spatial Planning at TU Delft under the leadership of Vincent and Will Zonneveld, with a summary of our achievements and activities. The book is also amply illustrated. You can download your own copy for free from BK BOOKS.  On the picture, from left to right: Marcin Dabrowski, Luiz Carvalho, Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado, Roberto Rocco, SPS’s new head Wil Zonneveld, Vincent Nadin, Karin Visser, Remon Rooij, and Qu Lei, and our dear Bardia Mashhoodi in the back!

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