We cordially invite all to attend the SPS Seminar

Digital Community Planning: The Open Source Way to the Top of Arnstein’s Ladder

by Enzo Falco

16 MARCH 12h30 , room BGWEST290

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Julianalaan 134, 2628BL, Delft, The Netherlands.



Citizen participation in planning is still in the hands of government. New advances in Information Communication Technologies and community informatics have allowed new forms of e-participation and e-planning to emerge. The article looks into different planning theories and approaches to public participation to argue and conclude that a digital and ICT-based community and plural planning approach may provide communities with a better setting to move up Arnstein’s ladder of citizen participation. This work refers to theories of social psychology and digital rationality to support the use of ICTs and Web 2.0 in planning as means to deliver more meaningful and independent participatory processes. It also presents three different open source software and one proprietary software which can be used in practice by citizen groups to produce planning documents.


Short Author Bio:

Enzo Falco is Post-doc Research Fellow in Smart Urban Governance at the Department OTB – Delft University of Technology. He conducts research on ICT, social media and open source software in urban governance and participatory planning. He is co-founding editor of the online open access Italian Journal of Planning Practice.


Names of Scholars based in the Netherlands working on public participation or closely related topics:

Peter Pelzer (PhD) http://www.uu.nl/staff/PPelzer/0

Beitske Boonstra (PhD) http://planning.ugent.be/nl/over-ons/assistant-academic-staff/

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