The seminars are informal professional or academic presentations by guests or by people from the TU Delft’s Department of Urbanism and beyond. These presentations are followed by discussions and offer the presenters an opportunity to gather feedback. The seminars are open and the participation of staff and students from across TU Delft is welcome. If you are willing to present your work or have any questions concerning the seminar series please contact Roberto Rocco and Marcin Dąbrowski.    

This is the complete list of seminars organised since 2013:

SPS Seminars Title Speaker Date
1.     The Governance of Large Urban Projects Sebastiao Bhatt 04/03/2013
2.     Suwanna Rongwiriyaphanich presents advancements in her PhD research at the RSP Seminar Series Suwanna Rongwiriyaphanich 23/03/2013
3.     Alexander Wandl presents at the SPS Seminar Alexander Wandl 28/03/2013
4.     Urbanisation, infrastructure development and public transport use Dena Kasraian 11/04/2013
5.     Professor Mariana Fix of the University of Campinas presents at the TU Delft Mariana Fix 19/04/2013
6.     Housing in Ecuador: Meet the Developers  ECO&ARQUITECTOS 07/05/2013
7.     Vincent Nadin presents at the SPS Seminar Series: The weakness of technocratic and imperative forms of planning for water management in Europe Vincent Nadin 17/05/2013
8.     Taneha Bacchin presents at the SPS SEMINAR SERIES on NOV 14 Taneha Bacchin 14/11/2013
9.     Annalisa Lodigiani presents at the SPS Seminar series Annalisa Lodigiani 22/11/2013
10.  Professor Maarten van Ham at the SPS Seminar Series Maarten van Ham 28/11/2013
11.  Yu Ye gives a talk at the SPS Seminar Series Yu Ye 09/12/2013
12.  Brenda Hunt, Area manager of the Eastern Docklands of Amsterdam, at the SPS Seminar Series Brenda Hunt 20/02/2014
13.  Randstad Seminar: Urban farming in city regions: a relevant topic for spatial planning and design? Dr. Herman Lelieveldt,Prof. dr. Arnold van der Valk, 20/03/2014
14.  Jorge Gil at the SPS Seminar Series Jorge Gil 28/03/2014
15.  Major spatial planning concerns in China Hongyuan Yang 23/10/2014
16.  Randstad Research Seminar Series #12: Advances in Doctoral Research Marta Relats and Els Leclercq 12/12/2014
17.  Chinese Urban Villages Qu Lei 15/01/2015
18.  Azadeh Mashayekhi and Nurul Azlan , at the SPS Seminar series on Tuesday 27 JANUARY Azadeh Mashayekhi 27/01/2015
19.  Sex and the City: Why planning for climate change needs is a gender issue Susan Buckingham 05/02/2015
20.  Thinking Politics, Scale and Community in Shenzhen Stephen Read 12/02/2015
21.  Regional design as a communicative planning practice Agnes Forster 19/02/2015
22.  Associate Professor of Community and Regional Planning, Monica Haddad (Iowa State University ) 26/03/2015
23.  Randstad Seminar: The Spatial implications of Energy Transition SPS, several speakers 31/03/2015
24.  ‘Global science scapes: how global science and political flows are shaping 21st century science landscapes Paul Benneworth 23/04/2015
25.  Planning a global network of industrial communities: The architecture and urbanism of the Bata Shoe Company industrial satellite cities Victor Sanz 12/05/2015
26.  Urban Transformation in Rio de Janeiro Guilherme Lassance (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) 21/05/2015
27.  The Rise of Sharing: Commodity vs. Experience Christopher Choa, head of urban development at AECOM 02/06/2015
28.  Evert Meijers: “Good fences make good neighbour cities? SPS Seminar, June 4 Evert Meijers 04/06/2015
29.  The Patchwork Metropolis Carlo Pisano (University of Cagliari) 11/06/2015
30.  REVERSE LAND: Wasted Landscapes as a resource to re-cycle contemporary cities Libera Amenta 18/06/2015
31.  Blue blood of cities? Water and urbanism in India Ashwani Kumar (CEPT) 02/07/2015
32.  Planning in Norway. Past-present-future challenges Akkelies van Nes 10/09/2015
33.  Financing plans and projects with land value Carlos Morales (IHS) 18/09/2015
34.  The European Union and Spatial Planning Jan Vogelij 01/10/2015
35.  Liveable Cities. Case Study: Masshad, Iran Mohammad Ghanbari 05/11/2015
36.  Communication for Urban Transformations Kasia Piskorek 10/12/2015
37.  Present and Past of Urban Agriculture/Gardening in Germany – in a Nutshell Evelyn Gusted  (*ARL Hannover) 07/01/2016
38.  “Cities as Infrastructures of Diversity” Stephen Read 14/01/2016
39.  CROSSRAIL, the tunnel join London East and West Micheal Hebbert (BARTLETT UCL) 28/01/2016
40.  Urban Heterotopias Ilgi Toprak 18/02/2016
41.  Urban Rhythms and Continuity of Place Meanings Nasibe Charbgoo 03/03/2016
42.  The Squatted New Town: Modernism meets informality Simone Rots 31/03/2016
43.  Strategic Urban Projects and the current urban paradigms. A study case of the Zaragoza Andres Fernandes Ges 21/04/2016
44.  Regional design in planning theory and practice Verena Balz + Valeria Lingua 07/06/2016
45.  Pieter van der Kooij – Green City Freiburg’s Challenge Pieter van der Kooij 20/06/2016
46.  The Shanghai Alleyway House Gregory Bracken 22/09/2016
47.  ‘Ecological infrastructure and sponge city construction in China’ Li Dihua 01/11/2016
48.   The future of EU cohesion policy: what is at stake for European regions and cities?  John Bachter 11/11/2016
49.  Habitat III Report: What happened in Quito? Ana Maria/ Roberto Rocco 29/11/2016
50.  The Chinese Urban Transformation Yawei Chen/ Qu Lei/ Yanliu Lin 15/12/2016
51.  Climate change vulnerability and the urban poor Hanne van den Berg 12/01/2017
52.  IMPLEMENTING THE NEW URBAN planning AGENDA Frank D’hondt 17/01/2017
53.   Challenges for Implementing the New Urban Agenda Ivan Thung (UN-Habitat) 02/02/2017
54.   ‘Co-housing and the Circular City’ Lidewij  Tummers 23/02/2017
55.  Digital Community Planning: The Open Source Way to the Top of Arnstein’s Ladder Enzo Falco 16/03/2017
56.  Seminar and Book Presentation: “Starchitecture: Scenes, Actors and Spectacles in Contemporary Cities” Davide Ponzini 22/03/2017
57.  Post-Conflict Planning – Continue the discussion! Ivan Thung/ Hashmet Nejat 27/03/2017
58.  ‘Participatory City Making: How to Innovate Urban Public Services’ Emma Puerari 30/03/2017
59.  The Poverty of Territorialism: Neo-medieval Spatial Planning Andreas Faludi 06/04/2017
60.  Secondary yet metropolitan? Rodrigo Cardoso 18/04/2017
61.  Postcolonial cities in Asia  Gregory Bracken, Nurul Azlan 22/06/2017
62.  Flooding in Houston and the PRD: planning as a problem or solution? Nikki Brand, Marcin Dabrowski, Meng Meng 14/09/2017
63.  ‘Obstacles to cross-border cooperation on spatial planning’ Stefanie Dühr 07/12/2017
64.  Autonomous vehicles & the city of tomorrow Esther González-González – 06/03/2018
65.   Urban development and the conflict modernisation and renewal Prof. Dag Kitang 13/03/2018
66.  Automated Landscapes Victor Muñoz Sanz 24/04/2018
67.  Spatial Quality Advice in the Netherlands José van Campen & Sandra v. Assen 17/05/2018
68.  Political ideologies and settlement patterns in the Arctic Akkelies van Nes – 31/05/2018
69.  : How should we drive emerging mobility technologies? Milos Mladenovic 21/06/2018
70.  City branding in the face of ecological modernization Prof. Martin de Jong: 28/06/2018
71.   The Spatial Form of Economic Activity Birgit Hausleitner 06/09/2018
72.  Urban Dynamics and Spatial Behaviour in London Patrizia Sulis 20/09/2018
73.   Spatial and institutional path dependencies in Naples port-city region Paolo de Martino 02/10/2018
74.  Citizen Engagement in Planning Major Infrastructure Projects Prof. Jim Claydon 20/11/2018
75.  Discovering the authenticity of historical city through a collaborative design project Keisuke Sugano 18/12/2018
76.  Sustainable Urban Design Framework Nico Larco: 08/01/2019
77.  Discovering flood risk management strategies in Chinese coastal cities, 24 January Faith Chan 24/01/2019
78.  Planning reform, heritage management and sense of place Azadeh Arjomand Kermani 07/02/2019
79.  Amphibian Housing for a Resilient City Andrea Pliego 28/03/2019
80.  EU Cohesion Policy and the Public Sphere: Connecting Locally with Citizens? Carlos Mendez 18/04/2019
81.  Citizenship in Asia and the West in a Comparative Perspective Gregory Bracken & Deirdre Sneep 16/05/2019